Western Regional Climate Center

Providing Climate Services Since 1986
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Station Data Inventory Listings

NOAA/NWS Cooperative Observer Network

Listings contain the NCDC ID, division number, state, county, coop station name, start and end dates (year and month), latitude, longitude, and elevation.

Datum Info: NAD83. However, there is no strict verification for each site – we have found some of the older information is NAD27. This is usually distinguished by the lack of seconds in the position coordinates. Generally, we post the information we are given and sometimes the datum isn't specified.

Information taken from the NCDC catalog and updated as made available. Updated May, 2008.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado
Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michegan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pacific Islands Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands
Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming