Period of Record General Climate Summary - Growing Degree Days

Station:(425186) LOGAN UTAH STATE UNIV
From Year=1893 To Year=2006
Growing Degree Days for Selected Base Temperature (F)
Base Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual
40 M 3 9 68 239 487 727 1020 979 654 332 59 7 4586
40 S 3 12 80 319 807 1534 2555 3534 4188 4519 4578 4586 4586
45 M 0 1 25 136 343 578 865 824 506 205 19 1 3505
45 S 0 2 27 163 506 1084 1949 2773 3279 3484 3503 3505 3505
50 M 0 0 7 65 215 431 711 669 364 105 3 0 2571
50 S 0 0 7 71 287 718 1429 2098 2462 2567 2570 2571 2571
55 M 0 0 1 24 115 293 556 515 234 41 0 0 1778
55 S 0 0 1 25 139 432 988 1503 1737 1778 1778 1778 1778
60 M 0 0 0 6 48 174 403 362 124 10 0 0 1127
60 S 0 0 0 6 53 227 630 992 1117 1127 1127 1127 1127
Corn Growing Degree Days
50 M 1 4 41 144 288 452 668 643 408 198 33 3 2882
50 S 1 5 46 190 479 930 1598 2241 2649 2847 2880 2882 2882
M = Monthly Data
S - Running sum of monthly data.
Growing Degree Day units are computed as the difference between the daily average temperature and the base temperature. (Daily Ave. Temp. - Base Temp.) One unit is accumulated for each degree Fahrenheit the average temperature is above the base temperature. Negative numbers are discarded. Example: If the days high temperature was 95 and the low temperature was 51, the base 60 heating degree day units is ((95 + 51) / 2) - 60 = 13. This is done for each day of the month and summed.
Corn Growing Degree Day units have the limitations that the maximum daily temperatures greater than 86 F are set to 86 F and minimums less than 50 F are set to 50 F.
Table updated on Jul 28, 2006
Months with 5 or more missing days are not considered
Years with 1 or more missing months are not considered

Western Regional Climate Center, wrcc@dri.edu