Period of Record General Climate Summary - Temperature

From Year=1986 To Year=2012
Monthly Averages Daily Extremes Monthly Extremes Max. Temp. Min. Temp.
Max. Min. Mean High Date Low Date Highest
Year Lowest
Year >=
90 F
32 F
32 F
0 F
F F F F dd/yyyy
F dd/yyyy
F - F - # Days # Days # Days # Days
January 60.1 29.4 44.8 82 24/1999 6 18/1987 48.8 2005 39.2 2007 0.0 0.4 20.9 0.0
February 64.7 33.2 48.9 86 16/2011 -4 04/2011 53.7 1991 44.5 2002 0.0 0.3 12.8 0.0
March 73.1 39.2 56.0 93 12/1989 6 07/1996 62.2 2011 51.8 1987 0.3 0.0 6.4 0.0
April 81.7 47.4 64.6 102 21/1989 21 06/1994 70.6 2012 59.8 1987 5.7 0.0 1.2 0.0
May 89.9 56.8 73.5 109 21/1989 32 03/2011 81.2 1996 67.3 2007 17.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
June 97.7 65.7 81.7 122 27/1994 50 05/1998 89.8 1990 76.1 1987 25.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
July 96.9 69.0 82.9 113 02/1994 58 12/1999 87.2 2011 78.4 2007 27.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
August 95.2 67.9 81.5 115 18/1994 53 26/2010 87.9 2011 78.2 1990 27.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
September 89.0 60.7 74.9 111 03/1992 35 25/2000 79.0 1992 70.8 1991 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
October 80.9 49.6 65.3 100 04/1993 19 30/1993 69.9 1992 61.6 2000 5.5 0.0 0.8 0.0
November 68.5 37.1 52.8 90 01/1994 12 26/1993 56.7 1999 45.3 2000 0.1 0.0 9.5 0.0
December 60.4 29.4 44.9 84 05/2009 1 08/2005 48.2 1993 40.5 2011 0.0 0.5 20.0 0.0
Annual 79.8 48.8 64.3 122 19940627 -4 20110204 66.5 1989 62.7 2007 124.5 1.3 71.8 0.0
Winter 61.7 30.7 46.2 86 20110216 -4 20110204 48.8 1999 44.4 2010 0.0 1.2 53.7 0.0
Spring 81.6 47.8 64.7 109 19890521 6 19960307 69.9 1989 60.1 1987 23.4 0.0 7.7 0.0
Summer 96.6 67.5 82.0 122 19940627 50 19980605 87.1 2011 78.9 2007 80.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fall 79.5 49.1 64.3 111 19920903 12 19931126 66.6 1998 61.2 2000 20.6 0.0 10.4 0.0
Table updated on Oct 31, 2012
For monthly and annual means, thresholds, and sums:
Months with 5 or more missing days are not considered
Years with 1 or more missing months are not considered
Seasons are climatological not calendar seasons
Winter = Dec., Jan., and Feb. Spring = Mar., Apr., and May
Summer = Jun., Jul., and Aug. Fall = Sep., Oct., and Nov.

Western Regional Climate Center, wrcc@dri.edu