Monthly Total Growing Degree Days


Base Temperature = 40 F

File last updated on Jul 24, 2006
*** Note *** Provisional Data *** After Year/Month 200603
a = 1 day missing, b = 2 days missing, c = 3 days, ..etc..,
z = 26 or more days missing, A = Accumulations present
Long-term means based on columns; thus, the monthly row may not
sum (or average) to the long-term annual value.
Months with 5 missing days or less use mean for missing day(s)
Individual Months not used for annual or monthly statistics if more than 5 days are missing.
Individual Years not used for annual statistics if any month in that year has more than 5 days missing.
1927 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 215.00 215.00
1928 179.05 b 367.87 b 607.00 661.61 b 1024.72 d 1100.89 b 1258.17 b 1239.50 557.00 n 762.50 420.00 b 149.66 b 7770.97
1929 137.29 c 248.37 a 490.12 b 544.14 a 922.77 a 1054.66 a 1277.00 1310.50 1023.00 845.02 b 477.50 332.22 a 8662.57
1930 0.00 z 449.50 563.34 b 722.68 b 745.50 1116.72 a 1305.32 c 1247.20 c 930.58 d 782.75 c 311.50 i 124.50 i 7863.59
1931 276.13 d 398.72 c 596.75 e 850.56 c 828.50 g 1059.81 d 1458.79 e 1372.94 e 976.80 e 792.22 d 401.54 d 191.17 a 8375.42
1932 150.41 d 306.57 a 566.86 c 616.73 d 675.50 j 1122.69 d 664.00 o 1213.17 e 807.00 h 789.90 e 421.50 g 141.88 e 4908.22
1933 78.65 d 236.88 c 508.18 c 654.23 d 717.77 e 1035.58 d 1137.50 f 1043.00 f 1000.80 e 1012.27 e 421.50 f 232.50 e 5476.85
1934 212.98 d 432.83 d 761.22 d 872.40 e 1022.43 d 766.00 h 1019.00 g 1315.20 d 875.50 f 838.72 d 510.56 c 207.50 f 5966.34
1935 259.33 e 289.52 c 316.56 e 621.67 c 855.94 d 1173.00 e 1272.79 e 1310.61 d 894.50 f 723.91 d 288.50 f 225.50 f 6823.32
1936 320.91 d 335.82 d 593.17 e 736.15 d 782.00 f 1120.56 c 794.50 n 1052.50 f 1084.20 e 863.98 d 389.00 g 206.27 e 5261.06
1937 78.00 f 299.83 d 520.11 d 610.00 c 709.00 g 1065.58 d 1339.64 c 1309.75 e 1080.00 d 884.10 e 537.00 e 360.67 e 8006.68
1938 219.87 d 368.31 b 392.67 d 635.89 b 920.50 1149.50 1335.50 1261.00 1114.50 798.50 432.00 271.52 b 8899.75
1939 239.14 c 229.50 523.50 814.50 943.00 1093.97 a 1289.00 1296.50 1109.00 811.50 554.48 a 370.00 9274.09
1940 336.00 415.50 602.00 716.00 1014.22 a 1210.86 a 1244.50 1256.00 961.00 814.00 411.00 377.50 9358.58
1941 351.00 411.50 569.50 580.00 928.00 1012.00 1299.00 1157.69 b 932.50 700.50 510.00 316.50 8768.19
1942 273.50 288.00 488.00 614.50 801.35 a 1071.50 1337.00 1263.00 988.00 815.00 429.50 204.00 8573.35
1943 227.00 373.50 545.50 682.00 945.50 951.00 1258.00 1163.00 1075.18 b 785.85 a 485.50 274.50 8766.53
1944 236.52 d 273.00 494.00 562.00 914.00 951.00 1239.00 1211.50 1074.50 849.50 377.50 264.50 8447.02
1945 130.50 351.50 360.50 657.00 823.00 1067.00 1085.50 f 1234.26 d 1116.50 859.50 430.00 265.00 7294.76
1946 176.00 287.00 486.00 742.00 877.30 a 1029.50 1076.50 f 1273.00 1050.60 e 673.50 313.50 178.50 7086.90
1947 103.50 337.50 594.50 751.00 1030.00 1090.00 1203.00 1146.50 1088.50 775.50 330.50 176.00 8626.50
1948 365.50 268.00 417.00 608.00 779.00 1052.50 1219.00 1167.50 997.50 761.00 393.00 135.50 8163.50
1949 62.00 213.00 452.00 757.50 879.50 1137.00 1265.00 1138.50 1087.50 760.50 618.10 a 221.13 a 8591.74
1950 162.50 403.50 502.50 760.00 945.50 1048.00 1390.00 1261.00 1030.50 861.50 597.00 397.50 9359.50
1951 211.00 335.00 499.00 700.00 916.00 1088.50 1279.00 1223.50 1086.50 805.00 518.00 243.00 8904.50
1952 202.50 358.00 377.50 709.50 1012.50 960.00 1352.00 1264.50 1116.50 956.50 413.50 253.50 8976.50
1953 349.50 313.00 484.00 648.00 723.50 946.50 1335.00 1153.00 1098.50 724.00 449.50 178.00 8402.50
1954 224.00 261.00 405.50 767.00 951.50 991.00 1287.00 1091.50 774.00 f 749.50 438.50 194.78 a 7361.28
1955 118.00 273.50 526.00 368.50 i 880.00 1042.00 1182.00 1289.50 1078.00 847.00 393.50 327.50 7957.00
1956 284.00 216.00 492.50 636.50 890.00 1077.50 1263.50 1146.00 1066.00 720.75 e 456.50 217.00 8466.25
1957 127.74 b 405.50 519.00 657.00 814.50 1151.00 1260.00 1150.00 1031.00 724.50 337.00 f 217.50 8057.74
1958 242.00 431.50 408.00 636.00 974.00 1032.00 1266.00 1363.50 1082.50 962.50 491.00 361.50 9250.50
1959 330.50 307.50 613.50 795.00 805.00 1130.00 1345.00 1203.50 981.00 850.00 498.00 272.80 a 9131.80
1960 251.00 304.00 579.00 654.00 842.00 1219.00 1333.50 1210.50 1088.50 781.50 400.50 176.00 8839.50
1961 166.50 405.00 493.00 718.00 823.00 1208.50 1345.50 1298.50 997.00 801.50 402.00 161.00 8819.50
1962 99.50 277.93 a 412.50 795.50 791.50 1074.00 1266.87 a 1203.50 1044.00 776.00 503.00 295.50 8539.79
1963 149.50 498.00 474.00 520.00 900.00 1005.00 1186.00 1178.00 1085.00 819.50 422.00 39.50 8276.50
1964 160.50 307.09 a 434.50 614.50 771.50 994.00 1256.50 1205.00 929.00 864.50 304.50 271.00 8112.59
1965 157.00 255.50 482.00 599.00 837.50 921.50 1185.00 1206.50 866.50 808.00 445.50 63.50 7827.50
1966 144.00 212.50 525.50 790.50 967.00 1059.00 1176.00 1257.50 980.00 764.50 516.50 161.00 8554.00
1967 179.50 238.50 469.50 354.50 895.50 979.00 1347.50 1348.50 1111.00 826.50 553.00 99.00 8402.00
1968 151.50 421.50 540.50 665.50 846.82 a 1102.00 1283.50 1120.50 1028.50 744.50 388.00 0.00 z 8292.82
1969 180.50 223.50 347.50 i 616.50 933.50 978.50 1266.00 1238.50 1070.00 627.50 439.50 213.50 7787.50
1970 294.00 332.50 481.00 496.00 915.50 1068.00 1290.50 1225.00 1018.00 731.00 473.00 206.50 8531.00
1971 162.50 194.50 442.00 564.00 761.00 1045.50 1295.50 1283.50 1011.50 676.50 365.50 131.50 7933.50
1972 45.00 359.91 a 644.50 632.50 917.00 1104.00 1309.50 1217.50 960.00 735.50 332.00 110.50 8367.91
1973 193.00 372.50 356.00 658.50 1007.00 1153.50 1252.00 1176.50 961.00 748.00 407.50 199.00 8484.50
1974 255.00 250.50 490.00 593.00 897.50 1099.50 1246.00 1207.00 1100.50 834.42 a 401.50 136.00 8510.92
1975 99.00 306.00 406.50 450.50 897.00 1063.50 1215.50 1144.50 1082.00 731.00 343.50 160.00 7899.00
1976 204.00 357.50 426.50 529.00 949.00 1024.00 1241.00 1040.00 984.00 831.50 462.50 212.50 8261.50
1977 106.50 354.50 394.96 d 723.50 678.50 1144.00 1242.00 1209.00 995.00 826.00 418.50 337.50 8429.96
1978 328.00 301.50 611.50 576.50 894.50 1043.00 1235.50 1208.50 919.00 896.50 368.00 81.50 8464.00
1979 200.50 270.00 497.50 0.00 z 0.00 z 1087.50 1219.50 1138.50 1087.50 835.50 425.00 313.50 7075.00
1980 307.50 413.00 433.50 646.00 817.00 939.50 1258.00 1167.00 984.00 864.00 446.00 211.00 8486.50
1981 284.50 352.00 498.00 671.00 925.50 1206.00 1282.50 1241.50 1067.00 713.00 495.00 266.00 9002.00
1982 116.00 352.50 424.00 591.50 910.50 983.50 1192.50 1208.50 986.50 782.00 0.00 z 191.50 7739.00
1983 153.00 371.50 513.00 552.50 911.50 1051.50 1140.28 a 1249.00 1121.50 867.50 448.00 293.50 8672.78
1984 228.00 343.50 590.50 599.50 995.00 1032.50 1354.00 1246.00 1176.50 674.00 404.50 180.50 8824.50
1985 83.50 313.50 430.00 813.00 881.50 1177.50 1327.00 1165.00 918.00 750.00 329.50 117.50 8306.00
1986 389.00 404.00 617.50 657.50 896.00 1118.00 1198.00 1284.50 857.50 777.50 454.00 153.00 8806.50
1987 135.00 307.00 466.50 794.50 966.00 1116.00 1104.00 1163.00 999.00 886.00 375.00 203.50 8515.50
1988 204.50 380.50 563.50 652.00 812.00 1016.50 1352.50 1171.00 988.00 849.00 406.00 158.00 8553.50
1989 88.00 262.50 540.00 793.00 862.50 1065.00 1215.50 1127.50 953.00 748.50 436.00 102.00 8193.50
1990 174.00 216.50 530.00 721.00 828.00 1017.50 1266.50 1179.00 985.50 835.00 405.00 115.00 8273.00
1991 188.50 432.50 365.50 579.00 785.50 1002.50 1281.50 1143.50 1104.00 942.00 448.00 178.50 8451.00
1992 66.50 438.50 599.00 785.00 1056.00 1072.00 1175.00 1230.00 1011.50 861.00 425.00 182.00 8901.50
1993 235.00 342.00 612.50 621.50 883.50 1014.00 1166.50 1156.50 978.50 818.00 402.50 191.50 8422.00
1994 209.50 280.00 593.50 682.00 842.00 1061.50 1258.00 1205.50 999.00 708.50 240.50 140.50 8220.50
1995 346.50 365.50 509.50 608.50 793.50 991.50 1215.00 1221.00 1020.50 818.00 572.50 335.50 8797.50
1996 255.00 434.00 549.50 692.50 919.50 1086.00 1319.00 1281.00 968.50 730.00 418.50 274.00 8927.50
1997 298.00 319.00 621.00 663.50 1048.00 1047.00 1221.50 1219.50 1070.00 740.50 517.00 139.50 8904.50
1998 306.00 312.50 499.00 565.00 686.50 965.50 1274.50 1271.00 1056.00 680.00 383.50 148.00 8147.50
1999 149.83 a 263.00 426.52 b 530.17 a 791.65 d 1013.00 1198.50 1139.25 a 1031.67 c 846.30 a 481.67 c 235.00 8106.55
2000 321.00 405.50 506.50 724.00 946.00 1128.00 1183.50 1233.50 1007.00 761.64 b 288.00 242.50 8747.14
2001 199.00 271.00 584.00 548.00 1089.00 1134.50 1248.50 1225.50 1050.50 863.50 502.00 223.00 8938.50
2002 181.50 347.50 459.50 678.00 882.98 a 687.50 k 1307.00 1177.00 1048.50 758.50 442.50 297.50 7580.48
2003 311.00 318.50 543.50 536.00 863.00 1118.00 1358.00 1217.00 1130.50 902.50 345.00 293.50 8936.50
2004 199.50 311.50 684.00 735.00 914.50 1085.50 1264.00 1192.50 1020.50 784.54 e 353.40 e 163.50 8708.44
2005 262.90 e 283.00 h 545.00 404.00 i 866.00 778.50 f 1004.00 h 701.50 n 928.50 0.00 z 247.50 n 341.00 2943.40
2006 211.00 g 254.50 f 343.00 575.69 a 954.50 1146.21 a 834.00 k 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 3019.40
Period of Record Statistics
MEAN 207.98 328.40 506.22 656.40 887.97 1067.02 1266.41 1216.87 1027.96 799.00 432.54 217.23 8598.62
S.D. 82.26 68.10 84.12 95.41 87.70 68.58 62.81 63.20 65.58 71.98 72.38 80.15 353.31
SKEW 0.18 0.12 0.13 -0.16 -0.14 0.10 0.15 0.10 -0.30 0.30 0.10 0.24 0.08
MAX 389.00 498.00 761.22 872.40 1089.00 1219.00 1458.79 1372.94 1176.50 1012.27 618.10 397.50 9359.50
MIN 45.00 194.50 316.56 354.50 678.50 921.50 1104.00 1040.00 857.50 627.50 240.50 39.50 7827.50
NO YRS 76 77 78 76 74 76 71 75 73 77 70 75 58