Monthly Total Growing Degree Days


Base Temperature = 40 F

File last updated on Jul 25, 2006
*** Note *** Provisional Data *** After Year/Month 200110
a = 1 day missing, b = 2 days missing, c = 3 days, ..etc..,
z = 26 or more days missing, A = Accumulations present
Long-term means based on columns; thus, the monthly row may not
sum (or average) to the long-term annual value.
Months with 5 missing days or less use mean for missing day(s)
Individual Months not used for annual or monthly statistics if more than 5 days are missing.
Individual Years not used for annual statistics if any month in that year has more than 5 days missing.
1956 38.15 e 5.50 57.50 220.00 393.00 382.50 699.05 a 618.50 525.00 208.45 b 34.50 x 0.00 z 3147.65
1957 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 195.50 t 534.50 662.00 272.50 105.50 74.50 1649.00
1958 108.00 158.67 a 49.00 131.00 498.50 537.00 750.50 740.00 482.50 438.00 143.50 155.00 4191.67
1959 60.00 15.50 42.00 149.00 233.50 416.00 649.50 554.50 367.00 309.50 179.00 78.00 3053.50
1960 51.00 40.00 141.00 168.00 205.00 483.50 693.00 534.00 539.50 342.50 80.50 98.00 3376.00
1961 143.50 67.50 70.50 118.50 278.50 591.50 685.00 758.50 380.50 298.00 88.50 41.50 3522.00
1962 69.20 c 86.50 49.50 192.41 a 146.00 424.00 598.30 a 562.50 531.21 a 333.50 158.00 169.50 3320.62
1963 42.50 205.00 64.50 76.03 a 352.76 b 356.90 a 467.50 601.00 632.00 304.00 102.50 126.00 3330.69
1964 21.00 41.50 62.50 58.50 227.50 397.00 549.50 517.50 407.00 409.00 62.07 a 30.00 2783.07
1965 88.00 66.50 143.00 167.00 205.50 413.00 678.50 622.50 413.00 460.50 167.00 43.00 3467.50
1966 39.00 28.50 110.50 180.00 315.00 414.00 529.00 599.50 519.50 296.50 144.00 61.50 3237.00
1967 47.00 36.00 31.50 35.00 311.50 546.50 655.50 834.50 636.00 314.50 187.00 40.30 a 3675.30
1968 94.00 180.00 129.50 104.50 284.50 419.50 649.00 579.04 c 490.50 246.50 131.11 c 22.50 3330.65
1969 39.61 d 13.00 139.50 132.00 431.50 530.00 531.00 536.00 479.00 221.00 148.00 57.50 3258.11
1970 64.00 135.50 52.00 38.50 296.00 530.50 641.00 605.00 408.50 289.50 111.50 12.00 3184.00
1971 68.00 59.00 21.00 108.50 291.00 332.00 635.00 678.50 401.00 235.60 a 52.50 3.50 2885.60
1972 17.00 57.50 146.50 66.50 345.65 a 422.00 697.50 713.50 424.50 290.00 82.00 82.00 3344.65
1973 42.50 83.00 22.00 152.50 385.50 444.00 641.00 529.50 518.00 240.50 42.50 68.00 3169.00
1974 34.00 18.00 81.50 104.00 201.50 472.00 576.50 636.50 715.50 390.08 a 121.00 52.50 3403.08
1975 64.50 37.00 21.50 36.50 293.50 392.00 640.50 509.00 651.00 224.00 85.50 95.00 3050.00
1976 97.00 44.50 40.50 121.50 280.11 c 342.50 588.00 547.50 542.50 351.50 253.00 83.50 3292.11
1977 87.00 149.00 22.00 215.50 153.00 491.50 550.00 762.50 393.50 294.50 90.00 66.50 3275.00
1978 68.50 95.50 185.50 100.50 241.50 519.00 606.50 595.00 411.50 363.70 c 68.28 a 1.00 3256.47
1979 6.50 19.50 148.50 144.50 334.50 458.04 b 660.30 a 583.50 592.50 393.50 142.00 116.50 3599.84
1980 28.50 119.50 36.00 216.50 242.32 a 331.50 603.00 527.50 522.00 397.32 a 154.00 180.00 3358.13
1981 170.00 87.50 95.50 171.00 259.00 387.50 589.00 756.00 506.79 b 280.00 141.50 54.50 3498.29
1982 11.50 50.00 44.50 94.50 277.00 511.50 565.50 634.00 461.50 309.50 55.34 a 26.50 3041.34
1983 92.50 81.00 91.00 154.00 387.00 396.00 536.00 633.50 419.00 321.00 73.50 12.92 a 3197.42
1984 113.50 69.50 108.50 65.00 230.50 382.50 618.50 631.00 469.00 183.50 42.00 6.50 2920.00
1985 55.50 17.50 37.00 216.00 286.50 488.50 770.50 620.00 381.50 225.50 28.00 73.88 a 3200.38
1986 125.55 a 79.00 182.00 104.50 307.00 573.00 527.50 790.50 378.00 443.50 106.50 37.00 3654.05
1987 38.00 95.00 120.50 267.00 397.00 561.50 561.50 700.50 584.50 475.50 132.50 21.50 3955.00
1988 24.50 135.50 77.50 184.50 272.00 426.00 666.00 669.50 580.00 469.50 70.00 97.50 3672.50
1989 31.50 13.00 64.00 304.00 320.50 532.50 545.50 573.50 617.50 268.50 120.50 100.50 3491.50
1990 33.00 55.00 147.50 263.50 262.50 455.50 730.50 692.00 599.00 209.00 80.50 19.50 3547.50
1991 45.00 200.50 46.50 106.00 196.50 347.00 717.00 695.00 663.50 387.50 129.50 54.50 3588.50
1992 95.50 184.00 233.50 260.00 528.00 590.50 706.50 749.00 524.00 357.50 94.50 0.00 4323.00
1993 27.50 47.50 142.00 119.50 420.00 402.00 480.50 651.00 628.00 428.00 40.00 39.00 3425.00
1994 68.00 26.00 179.50 184.00 370.00 396.50 710.00 634.00 602.50 243.00 6.00 49.50 3469.00
1995 59.50 147.50 88.50 141.00 368.00 459.00 687.00 579.00 588.00 257.00 189.50 42.88 a 3606.88
1996 64.00 113.50 100.00 198.00 232.50 452.50 775.00 744.50 472.50 282.00 103.00 25.50 3563.00
1997 73.00 32.50 87.50 137.00 493.50 440.00 634.50 740.00 591.00 232.00 156.50 26.50 3644.00
1998 58.50 34.00 115.50 173.00 260.50 477.50 756.50 741.00 611.00 265.00 76.00 41.00 3609.50
1999 27.00 12.50 53.50 166.00 225.30 c 414.00 632.00 695.50 613.00 364.00 177.50 43.00 3423.30
2000 0.00 42.50 50.50 254.00 300.50 554.00 630.00 628.50 528.50 276.50 25.50 57.00 3347.50
2001 68.00 31.00 111.50 124.00 406.00 392.00 609.50 687.50 583.50 285.50 0.00 z 0.00 z 3298.50
Period of Record Statistics
MEAN 60.00 73.70 89.87 149.41 305.49 450.80 631.64 641.87 522.77 314.96 107.89 58.80 3407.94
S.D. 36.05 55.31 52.04 65.15 88.19 71.77 75.85 83.46 93.49 77.11 52.01 43.18 303.10
SKEW 0.88 0.89 0.66 0.29 0.58 0.30 -0.09 0.29 -0.04 0.47 0.32 1.04 0.70
MAX 170.00 205.00 233.50 304.00 528.00 591.50 775.00 834.50 715.50 475.50 253.00 180.00 4323.00
MIN 0.00 5.50 21.00 35.00 146.00 331.50 467.50 509.00 367.00 183.50 6.00 0.00 2783.07
NO YRS 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 44 44 43