Monthly Total Heating Degree Days


Base Temperature = 65 F

File last updated on Apr 4, 2013
*** Note *** Provisional Data *** After Year/Month 198003
a = 1 day missing, b = 2 days missing, c = 3 days, ..etc..,
z = 26 or more days missing, A = Accumulations present
Long-term means based on columns; thus, the monthly row may not
sum (or average) to the long-term annual value.
Months with 5 missing days or less use mean for missing day(s)
Individual Months not used for annual or monthly statistics if more than 5 days are missing.
Individual Years not used for annual statistics if any month in that year has more than 5 days missing.
1962 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 161.00 t 385.50 202.00 29.00 62.00 223.50 501.00 775.34 a 1027.50 3205.84
1963 1455.00 911.50 983.00 604.50 332.96 d 131.50 4.50 47.00 147.00 394.00 794.00 1236.00 7040.96
1964 1293.00 1294.50 1182.50 729.50 443.50 207.00 7.50 93.50 283.50 585.50 929.00 1131.00 8180.00
1965 1036.00 1113.50 572.00 r 0.00 z 510.00 226.00 35.50 108.00 420.00 539.00 764.00 1035.50 5787.50
1966 1302.50 1222.00 882.00 688.50 354.00 131.50 1.00 94.00 221.00 639.00 801.50 1143.50 7480.50
1967 1098.50 981.50 805.00 660.50 503.75 a 239.00 32.50 143.50 273.50 535.50 883.00 1297.00 7453.25
1968 1152.50 1023.50 927.00 838.50 548.00 133.50 50.00 127.00 318.50 543.00 1025.00 1178.50 7865.00
1969 1025.00 965.00 1204.00 568.50 360.00 315.50 10.50 20.50 216.00 858.91 b 950.50 1140.00 7634.41
1970 1227.00 860.00 1070.00 787.50 366.50 182.00 m 6.50 8.00 283.50 732.00 932.00 1074.67 a 7347.67
1971 1167.50 1078.00 931.00 688.50 491.00 110.50 71.00 48.00 351.00 590.50 887.50 1180.50 7595.00
1972 1187.50 992.00 782.00 607.00 449.00 73.93 b 55.50 78.00 246.50 548.50 1208.50 1334.50 7562.93
1973 1349.02 a 1097.50 1043.00 856.50 489.50 193.50 94.50 48.00 323.00 506.00 846.50 1210.00 8057.02
1974 1325.00 1068.50 820.00 687.41 a 318.86 c 154.00 23.00 99.00 302.50 534.00 967.00 1303.50 7602.77
1975 1250.00 1104.50 999.50 785.50 568.91 d 219.11 b 35.50 43.18 c 348.00 482.64 b 1015.00 1038.00 7889.83
1976 1196.50 943.04 b 1006.00 621.50 432.50 141.50 11.50 44.50 240.50 675.50 955.50 1131.00 7399.54
1977 1276.00 945.50 1013.00 637.50 335.00 22.50 13.00 42.00 158.50 544.00 872.00 1029.50 6888.50
1978 1274.00 1035.00 853.00 613.00 457.00 143.50 14.00 61.00 173.00 529.50 902.50 1369.50 7425.00
1979 1585.00 989.50 942.00 669.00 469.00 179.50 25.00 110.00 204.50 513.50 1094.48 a 1077.25 a 7858.73
1980 1263.77 a 1024.50 1041.50 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 0.00 z 3329.77
Period of Record Statistics
MEAN 1247.99 1036.09 969.68 690.21 434.17 166.12 28.89 70.95 263.00 569.56 922.41 1163.19 7595.56
S.D. 136.91 106.94 121.24 87.03 77.57 68.40 25.24 37.42 73.17 104.00 114.75 109.55 347.86
SKEW 0.55 0.75 0.27 0.60 0.03 0.03 1.17 0.27 0.27 1.24 0.75 0.42 -0.32
MAX 1585.00 1294.50 1204.00 856.50 568.91 315.50 94.50 143.50 420.00 858.91 1208.50 1369.50 8180.00
MIN 1025.00 860.00 782.00 568.50 318.86 22.50 1.00 8.00 147.00 394.00 764.00 1027.50 6888.50
NO YRS 18 18 17 16 18 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 15