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########### Sodxtrmts ########### This program produces monthly and annual time series of a large number of properties derived from the SOD daily data set. The user chooses an analysis type from these options: Monthly Maximimun (mmax), Monthly Minimum (mmin), Monthly Averages (mave), Standard Deviation(sd), Number of Days (ndays), Range during Month(rmon), Monthly Sum (msum) If desired an additional frequency analysis is performed. Choices of frequency analyses are: Pearson III, GEV, Censored Gamma, and possibly Beta-P Input: Coop Station Id(s) dddddd, dddddd Start date yyyy End date yyyy Element e.g. temperature related elements (maxt, mint) Analysis Type e.g. Monthly Averages Maximum Missing Days allowed Start Month Departure from averages True or False Frequency analysis e.g. Pearson III Base Temperature (if element is heating/cooling/growing degree days) Sample Output: LOCATION:RENO TAHOE INTL AP STATION: 266779 START YEAR 2000 END YEAR 2011 START MONTH 01 ELEMENT maxt UNITS ANALYSIS TYPE mave MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DAYS ALLOWED MISSING 5 FREQUENCY ANALYSIS T DEPARTURES FROM AVERAGES a = 1 day missing, b = 2 days missing, c = 3 days, ..etc.., z = 26 or more days missing, A = Accumulations present Long-term means based on columns; thus, the monthly row may not sum (or average) to the long-term annual value. YEARS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN 2000 48.71 51.41 58.97 69.00 74.90 88.27 90.97 90.90 80.90 66.81 50.10 49.87 68.40 2001 44.29 47.36 62.45 61.60 83.00 86.03 90.65 94.87 85.47 74.94 57.40 44.68 69.39 2002 45.55 54.43 56.32 65.73 73.87 86.90 95.68 89.90 83.20 68.61 56.63 48.10 68.74 2003 55.42 49.68 59.90 56.87 74.84 88.07 96.74 90.00 85.50 76.19 51.57 46.71 69.29 2004 46.74 48.14 66.71 67.73 75.52 86.80 94.48 90.19 82.77 65.58 51.60 45.71 68.50 2005 36.00 46.46 59.16 61.70 72.16 78.63 96.55 92.19 78.93 70.00 58.67 47.23 66.47 2006 48.16 52.54 49.29 61.87 77.19 88.30 95.90 90.71 82.53 67.94 56.43 46.16 68.09 2007 44.55 52.82 64.65 66.30 79.23 89.00 96.94 93.16 79.33 66.32 58.10 43.26 69.47 2008 40.58 50.76 58.19 64.10 72.61 85.90 94.87 93.68 85.63 70.26 59.10 46.42 68.51 2009 50.29 50.93 56.16 64.03 79.71 79.03 94.19 90.06 86.77 65.81 57.80 36.81 67.63 2010 45.71 50.79 57.23 60.13 65.68 82.63 94.29 88.94 85.73 68.10 52.63 48.97 66.74 MEAN 46.00 50.48 59.00 63.55 75.34 85.42 94.66 91.33 83.34 69.14 55.46 45.81 68.29 S.D. 5.04 2.42 4.66 3.56 4.58 3.68 2.14 1.87 2.73 3.54 3.30 3.52 1.01 SKW10 -0.18 -0.19 -0.30 -0.21 -0.39 -1.00 -0.90 0.66 -0.41 1.01 -0.50 -1.52 -0.62 MAX 55.42 54.43 66.71 69.00 83.00 89.00 96.94 94.87 86.77 76.19 59.10 49.87 69.47 MIN 36.00 46.46 49.29 56.87 65.68 78.63 90.65 88.94 78.93 65.58 50.10 36.81 66.47 YEARS 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 Notes:
Station selection:
Individual station
Comma separated list of stations
County FIPS code
Climate Division
Cnty Warn. Area (CWA)
Bounding Box
Monthly Maximum
Monthly Minimum
Monthly Average
Standard Deviation
Number of Days
Range during Month
Monthly Sum
Daily Precipitation
Daily Snowfall
Daily Snowdepth
Daily Maximum Temperature
Daily Minimum Temperature
Daily Mean Temperature
Daily Temperature Range
Heating Degree Days
Cooling Degree Days
Growing degree days
Daily Evaporation
Daily Wind Movement