Product Rates for the Western Regional Climate Center

Standard base service fee (applies to all orders) $20
As of September 1, 2006

All data orders are sent out the same day unless the project is too big to finish in the time available.
The climate data is sent digitally (email or FTP) unless otherwise specified.

click on links to see an example

Daily Data $10 for 1-12 months or $20 for 13+ months.
All Elements or Specific: Temperature, Precipitation  
Monthly Data $10 for any period available, $5 per additional station or each element
Time Series (Total Snowfall, Heating Degree Days-base 65 )  
Summaries (posted)  
Hourly Data: from Airports $10 per month, $25 per year or $100 for 4+ years.
Undecoded: Option 1 or Option 2  
Decoded: Option 1 (GMT) or Option 2 (LST)  
RAWS Data  
Hourly Precipitation Data $10 for 1-12 months or $20 for 13+ months. $5 for each additional station.
Customized Data Sets Cost vary
Wind Rose (Airports) $75 per site, includes 1992-2000 graphics.
Current rose will not have graphics.
Upper Air Data $10 per month, $25 per year or $100 for 4+ years.
Lightning Data (Thru November 1996) $30 per cell. For current information contact Vaisala
Precipitation-Frequency Duration $10 per site
Consecutive Days of Occurrences $10 per site
Staff Services/data analysis $50 per hour
Fed Ex Shipments $15 minimum or total shipping cost.

WRCC link: Station Data Inventory Listings
NCDC/NOAA link: METAR Data Key/Decoder

Business hours: Mon-Fri 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Except holidays

Why do we charge for this data?
We do not charge for the data. Fees are assessed to cover costs of information delivery, including processing, reproduction, and the
computer systems necessary to maintain and process the data.

For more information or to order data, contact
Western Regional Climate Center,
phone: 775-674-7010
fax: 775-674-7016

Revision Date: August 25, 2006