Type of search area.
Map interfaces will help you find the identifiers
or enable you to draw a custom polygon.
Several search area options are available.
- Individual Station, List of Stations: Search by station IDs or names.
- State: US state abbreviation.
- County(FIPS), County Warning Area, Climate Division, Basin: Search by code or name or use the map.
- Using the map to find
County/County Warning Area/Climate Division/Basin codes
- Chose the US state from the dropdown above the map.
- Wait until the new map has loaded.
- Once the map overlays are visible,
click on an area on the map to see the name and ID of that area.
- Note that clicking on an area on the map
will populate the main form with the corresponding identifier.
- Custom Shape: Use the map interface to draw a custom polygon.
- Using the map interface to draw a custom shape
- You can place a marker on the map or
draw a rectangle, circle or polygon.
Click on the appropriate icon in the legend on the top of the map.
Marker: Point and click on the map.
Rectangle: Point at a corner of your rectangle, click, hold and drag in the desired direction.
Circle: Point at the center of your circle, click, hold and drag outwards.
Polygon: Point and click at each corner of your polygon.
Finish by double clicking at the final point
or by clicking on the first point of your polygon.
Data Type
Weather station data or gridded data.
See more on gridded datasets
NRCC Interpolated
Source: Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC)
Domain: Continental US
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - Present
Spatial Resolution: 5 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
NRCC Interpolated High Resolution
Source: Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC)
Domain: East of Rockies
Date Range: 2007 - Present
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Spatial Resolution: 5 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Source: PRISM Climate Group
Domain: Continental US
Temporal Resolution:
Date Range: 1981- Present
Spatial Resolution: 4 km
Climate Variables:
Maximum/Minimum/Average Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Version: “4kmD1”
Source: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
Source: Met Office Hadley Center
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
Source: Met Office Hadley Center (additional HadGEM2-ES realizations contributed by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais)
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
Source: The Community Climate System Model
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
Source: Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
Source: The Community Earth System Model
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
Source: The Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
Source: Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
Source: Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
Source: ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science
Domain: US, Canada, Mexico
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1950 - 2100
Spatial Resolution: 6 km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation, Degree Days
Emission Scenarios: rcp45, rcp85
-------- NARRCAP PROJECTIONS --------
CRCM -- Canadian Regional Climate Model
Source: Ouranos Climate Simulation Team / UQAM via NARRCAP
Domain: US
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1970 - 2000, 2040 - 2070
Spatial Resolution: 50km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation
HRM3 -- Hadley Regional Model
Source: Hadley Centre via NARCCAP
Domain: US
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1970 - 2000, 2040 - 2070
Spatial Resolution: 50km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation
MM5I -- PSU/NCAR mesoscale model
Source: NCAR-Mesoscale Prediction Group/Penn State via NARCCAP
Domain: US
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1970 - 2000, 2040 - 2070
Spatial Resolution: 50km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation
RCM3 -- Regional Climate Model Version 3
Source: UC Santa Cruz via NARCCAP
Domain: US
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1970 - 2000, 2040 - 2070
Spatial Resolution: 50km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation
WRFG -- Weather Research Forecasting Model
Source: Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology spanision of NCAR via NARCCAP
Domain: US
Temporal Resolution: Daily
Date Range: 1970 - 2000, 2040 - 2070
Spatial Resolution: 50km
Climate Variables: Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Precipitation
Start Date/End Date
Time period of the request. Several formats are supported:
- yyyymmdd
- yyyy-mm-dd
- yyyy/mm/dd
Temporal Resolution (For PRISM grid data only)
PRISM data are offered in daily,monthly and yearly resolution,
all other datasets are daily.
Choose one or more climate variables from the drop down menu.
Only a limited set of climate variables are available for gridded data.
Data can be obtained in metric or English units.
Note: degree day calculations are preformed
with base temperatures in Fahrenheit.
- English:
Temperatures in Fahrenheit
Precipitation/Snow/Pan Evaporation in Inches
Wind Movements in Miles
Note: native database units are English.
If you choose metric, be aware that data values loose precision
since they are converted from English units and will be rounded.
Temperatures in Celsius
Precipitation/Snow/Pan Evaporation in Millimiter
Degree Days: °C HDD = (5/9) x (°F HDD)
Wind Movements in Kilometers
Add Degree Days:
Choose yes if you are looking for degree days with different base temperatures.
Degree Days
Enter a comma separated list of degree day
abbreviations with base temperature.
gdd56: Growing Degree Days with base temperature 56 Fahrenheit
cdd70: Cooling Degree Days with base temperature 70 Fahrenheit
Comma separated list to enter: gdd56,cdd70
Data Summary
No data summary will be performed.
Windowed Data:
Returns data for seklect time windows within the date range you selected
Start Date: 2000-01-01, End Date: 2002-12-31,
Window Start: 05-15, Window end: 05-17
Returns data for:
2000-05-15, 2000-05-16, 2000-05-17
2001-05-15, 2001-05-16, 2001-05-17
2002-05-15, 2002-05-16, 2002-05-17
Data is summarized over time defined by Start Date and End Date at each data point.
The result is a geospatial layer.
Temporal summary of sum of precipitation from 2000-01-01 to 2000-01-31 over all stations in Nevada
Returns the sum of January precipitaion at each station in Nevada.
Data is summarized over each point in the selected region.
The result is a time series.
Spatial summary of daily precipitation from 2000-01-01 to 2000-01-31 averaged over all stations in Nevada
Returns mean daily precipitation of all stations in Nevada for each day in January 2000.
Show Flags (Non-summarized station data only)
Choose 'Yes' if you want the data flags to be appended to your data values.
- M -- Missing: data is missing or invalid
- A -- Accumulated: data value has been accumulated over multiple time periods
- S -- Subsequent: data contributes to accumulated value
- T -- Trace: Trace amount
Show Observation Time (Non-summarized station data only)
Choose 'Yes' if you want the time of observation to be appended to your data values.
If you chose a file format other than excel (.xls) or html, this option will appear.
It defines the delimiter that will separate the data values,
the flags and observation time of your request.